Where would we be without our wonderful volunteers?
NZ Sculpture OnShore relies on a large team of dedicated, enthusiastic and talented volunteers. While some work behind the scenes, most are the public face of the event; providing information, sharing their experience of the artworks and helping make visitors experience the 'great day out' that so many people tell us they enjoy.
In 2018 over 400 people gave up their time to help make the exhibition a success. Being a volunteer is a fun, sociable activity; a chance to meet new people and work with old friends. Your volunteering supports a wonderful cause which changes the lives of vulnerable women and children, Women’s Refuge New Zealand.
You might like to volunteer as a group with friends, share the same rostered shifts so you can enjoy each other’s company and also share transport to the event.
Or are you a company that would like your staff to get involved with community service days? We would love to have you on board, helping out over a number of days during the duration of the event.

What would suit your skills best?
We have eight types of volunteer roles:
Art Ambassadors provide security for the 100 valuable outdoor artworks, serve as hosts for the exhibition and provide basic information to visitors, adding enormously to their enjoyment of the event.
Three shifts each day: 9.45am - 12.30pm / 12.15pm - 2.30pm / 2.15pm - 5pm
First Aid volunteers need to hold a current First Aid Certificate or be a registered nurse so they can provide first aid cover during the event. A defibrillator will be available.
Two shifts each day: 10am – 1pm and 1pm - 5pm
Front Gate Security (including setup, during the event, and packing down).
Volunteers will be needed during setup from 24 October, during the event from 4 -19 November and also during pack-down on 20 & 21 November.
Volunteers are stationed at the front gate where they manage site access of vehicles to the top carpark, along with some pedestrian movement. An important part of this role is managing health and safety sign-in and also having radio contact with managers around the site should queries arise.
Two shifts each day: 9am – 1pm and 1pm - 5pm
Ticket Office volunteers welcome visitors at the ticketing office on arrival, sell tickets and catalogues and answer the myriad of questions people might have. Necessary skills will be use of EFTPOS machines and laptops.
Two shifts each day: 9.30am – 1.30pm and 1pm – 5pm
Indoor Art Gallery volunteers. The Indoor Gallery showcases over 700 artworks which are all for sale. You’ll assist visitors by providing information, wrapping purchases as well as providing security for the works.
Two shifts each day: 9.30am – 1.30pm and 1pm - 5pm
School Tours volunteers greet teachers and students visiting the exhibition, ensuring that the groups have maps of the exhibition. An important role is to communicate to teachers and supervising adults the importance of following health and safety guidelines on site.
Times and days vary.
Tour Guides – Tours will run once each day for 60 minutes, leading groups of up to 20 people. Training will be given with detailed information on artists and their work.
One session at 11am during the week and two sessions on weekends at 11am and 2pm
Before the event, volunteers are invited to attend an information evening, as well as a pre-exhibition tour with the Curator just before opening day to learn about the exhibits.
There is a volunteer room where tea and coffee is available and belongings can be stored.
If you would like to help out, fill in our Volunteer Enquiry Form below, and one of our volunteer coordinators will contact you.
With grateful thanks,
The Volunteer Team
Our address: 170 Vauxhall Road, Narrow Neck, Devonport, Auckland 0624